The project „From the heart of my neighbourhood” was a transnational and interdisciplinary project that involved the following participants: one NGO of applied social sciences from Romania (Komunitas), one NGO of participative planning and architecture from France (L’armoire Urbaine), one NGO of community development (Association For Community Development in Ferentari), 25 children from a school situated in a disadvantaged neighbourhood from Bucharest (Scoala 136), 10 students from Landscape Architecture Faculty, one coach and experts in community facilitation, landscape architecture and arts.
Ferentari, the neighbourhood from Bucharest where the project took place, is a poor area, inhabited mainly by Rroma population.The project aimed to create social solidarity between young people coming from various social, cultural and economical backgrounds: pupils with reduced possibilities and students from a prestigious faculty in Bucharest; young people from an NGO whose members are mainly Rroma working together with young people from other 2 NGOs: a Romanian and a French one.
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