The first students from School 31, located in Tei neighborhood from Bucharest, a group of girls from seventh grade came before 10am, the time set by the ZEN`s organizers to start the activities. Shortly after 10 a.m they plucked the weeds inside the small park from the schoolyard, along with a boy and a girl belonging to the Association of Landscapers from Romania and this fact made them to be happy still.
During this time, the blue mysterious box called ”Delivering Life”, brought by our partners with the same name was assembling its last red curtains at its entrance. Without knowing about the concept of ”Delivering Life”, some kids were crowding in front of it, making groups of three people as it was impossible to enter more than three people. First children barged inside, tortured by the five minutes waiting. Despite this fact, they understood the idea and came out different from how they entered. But they were reticent in leaving a message, as they were boys and it is supposed that “writing posts” stays in girls` nature. Girls, on the other hand, drew flowers and hearts, left posts saying “Thank you” or “Love you” and entered the box at least three times each. More than that, the box also welcomed the headmaster, some teachers, parents which had come with their children and an old lady full of life of 85 years, making part of a Residents Association from Tei district. The box fulfilled its purpose.
Around 12 o`clock, the schoolyard looked like a huge workshop space. Wood was being measured and cut, the hammer drill was making noise from time to time, benches and unidentified objects yet were taking shape. In charge: architects from studioBASAR and The Box with Tools, a group of young students from Urban Planning Faculty.
In a more withdrawn area, social animation games and theatre games were held.
The second part of the day continued with the activities started in the morning and brought other new activities: the painting of a wall from the schoolyard and the percussion workshop held by Jean Baptiste Manitou from Humains Profiles.
With the decorative sprays in one hand and protective masks already put on their faces, the students organized themselves in a long queue, waiting for their turn to paint a butterfly. The sketch had simple butterflies: red, green, yellow and black. But the kids `butterflies were made in all these colors gathered, furthermore, accessorized with dots, stripes and lines. Maybe they wasn`t like at the Faculty of Arts, but they were more beautiful as it was their own creations.
Five o`clock and the percussion workshop started .During this time, the benches built in the schoolyard are being painted and the last shrubs are being planted. Tribal rhythms around an improvised fire made by some sticks and a red oval object placed above. Jean Baptiste is joyful, patient and smiling, talking Romanian very good.
The end of the day comes with sound of drums and castanets. The students have already forgotten that they celebrated Non-formal Education Day, as that day didn`t seem at all like a regular day for them even if they learned a lot of interesting things.
The Days of Non-Formal Education is an event initiated by the program “Youth in Action”; the activities of plantation and fabrication were funded by the project “ The Man flourish the place” implemented by the association “Save the Danube and the Delta” and supported by Dorna. For Komunitas Association, this day meant the launch of the project “ In the Street Art” which is having place this week in the School No.31`s yard from Tei district, project accomplished with the financial help of “ National Cultural Fund Administration”, area: Cultural Intervention.
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